The Glen R. Dash Charitable Foundation


Teaching Documents

  • A Dash of Maxwell's: A Maxwell's Equations Primer, Chapter 1: Introduction

    Maxwell’s Equations are eloquently simple yet excruciatingly complex. These equations are literally the answer to everything RF but they can be baffling to work with. In this six part series, we will explain Maxwell’s Equations one step at a time, beginning with its application to the “static” case, where charges are fixed, and only direct current flows in conductors.

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  • A Dash of Maxwell's: A Maxwell's Equations Primer, Chapter 2: Why Things Radiate

    In this chapter, we apply Maxwell’s Equations to the “dynamic” case, where magnetic and electric fields are changing. In doing so we introduce Maxwell’s Equations in their “integral form.”

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  • A Dash of Maxwell's: A Maxwell's Equations Primer, Chapter 3: The Difference a Del Makes

    Simple in concept, the integral form of Maxwell’s Equations (Chapter 2) can be devilishly difficult to work with. To overcome that, scientists and engineers have evolved a number of different ways to look at the problem including the “differential form” of the equations. These use the del operator. They look more complex, but they are actually simpler.

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  • A Dash of Maxwell's: A Maxwell's Equations Primer, Chapter 4: Equations Even A Computer Can Love

    In this installment, we will describe Maxwell’s Equations in their “computational form,” a form that allows our computers to do the work. 

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  • A Dash of Maxwell's: A Maxwell's Equations Primer, Chapter 5: Radiation From A Small Wire Element

    By using Maxwell’s Equations in their “computational” form, we can solve for fields emanating from any given assemblage of sources and conductors simply by knowing the distribution of the currents and charges. In this installment, we put these equations to work by computing the radiation from a simple structure, a short wire element. 

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  • A Dash of Maxwell's: A Maxwell's Equations Primer, Chapter 6: The Method of Moments

    We end our series on Maxwell’s Equations with a derivation of the Method of Moments. We will then make the transition from theory to practice by first attempting to compute the characteristics of a dipole by hand, and then by demonstrating that a computer can do the same thing in just a few seconds.Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

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